A Flow State
This first track embodies the approach of the album, which is to higlight moments in our existence where we are in a state of flow.
This piece captures this ebb & flow with a steady figure of 8th notes in the piano. The violin enters with a motif which is then passed around the group like waves rising and falling. It builds to a climax in the first violin solo before receding back to the initial piano figure.
Hear me explain a bit about the piece, and how it fits into the rest of the album in the videos below. Watch the live performance video and a video of just my hands performing on the piano keybord to get a sense of the music’s flow. I hope it creates a state of flow for you as well.
Download the Hi-Res 24 bit 48kHz wav files, or stream through soundcloud using the buttons below.
Maria Im, violin
Gokce Erem, violin
Valeriya Sholokhova, cello
Lev Ljova Zhurbun, viola