1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A Flow State

This first track embodies the approach of the album, which is to higlight moments in our existence where we are in a state of flow. 

This piece captures this ebb & flow with a steady figure of 8th notes in the piano. The violin enters with a motif which is then passed around the group like waves rising and falling. It builds to a climax in the first violin solo before receding back to the initial piano figure.

Hear me explain a bit about the piece, and how it fits into the rest of the album in the videos below. Watch the live performance video and a video of just my hands performing on the piano keybord to get a sense of the music’s flow. I hope it creates a state of flow for you as well.

Download the Hi-Res 24 bit 48kHz wav files, or stream through soundcloud using the buttons below.

Soundcloud (Stream)
Download Hi-Res file
Alon Yavnai, piano

Maria Im, violin

Gokce Erem, violin

Valeriya Sholokhova, cello

Lev Ljova Zhurbun, viola

Get the Album first

The first 3 tracks on the new album will be released on 3.20.2020, but the rest of the album will not be available until this summer on the streaming platforms and stores. These platforms favor singles over albums for playlist placement.

So I will be sharing the entire album for email subscribers in a 7 day album experience. (Don't worry, it's just about building a community, not about spamming you with emails!).

On album release day, you will receive 1 email a day for 7 days that leads you to a behind the scenes look that details what each piece means, how it was written, and how it was recorded. You can download the high res audio (available nowhere else), stream the music, look at the scores, and learn how it was recorded.

Thank you for joining me on this musical journey! Check your email inbox (and Junk Mail!) for the Welcome email.